Elsewhere, Asses The Contribution Of Functionalism

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Functionalism is a consensus theory in which they believe that all members agree on the idea that society is a system of interdependant parts held together by a shared culture. Functionalist believe that society is made up of different parts or sub-systems; these are family, education and the economy. The functionalist view on the family is that it is a basic building block of society. They often compare society as to a human body because they see every different part of society contributing to the overall running of it, just like the heart, kidneys or lungs for example. For this reason, they see the family as being vital to the wellbeing of society as it meets some essential needs, such as socialising children. Unlike Functionalist, Marxists see society as a conflict between two social classes. The first being the Bourgeoisie or the ruling class and the second being the working class or the Proletariats. Marxists see society as a way to allow the ruling class to continuously oppress and by using them to make maximum profits they expolit them. The Marxist view on the family is that the functions are performed for the benefit of these capitalists. Firstly, Functionalists such as Murdock see that the nuclear family (one containing a male, a female and one or more children) is universal because of it 'sheer practicality' in performing four vital functions, although he does accept that other institutions such as religion, law and education could perform these. Item A identifies two of these functions. The first being that ''it provides for the stable satisfaction of the sex drive''. This means that in having the same sexual partner, it prevents the social disruption that would be caused if there was no stability and people could just go out and have sex with numerous different partners without consequences. The second that Item A identifies is that ''the family
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