Effective Essay: How Conflict Can Be Constructive?

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Conflict can be constructive if it introduces new information; encourages ideas, testing, and creativity; and clears the air. It can be destructive if it distracts attention from the task or inhibits communication. Conflict can be highly desirable. Conflict is constructive when its effect is to: Introduce different solutions to problems. Define power relationships more clearly. Encourage creativity and the testing of ideas (avoiding groupthink). Focus attention on individual contributions. Bring emotions out into the open. Release hostile feelings that have been or may be repressed otherwise. Conflict can also be destructive. It may: Distract attention from the task. Polarise views and dislocate the group. Subvert objectives in favour of secondary goals. Encourage…show more content…
Learners’ Prior Knowledge/Learning Requirement Prior knowledge not necessary to read or understand this material. However, a degree of support in some cases will be dependent on initial assessment of competence and knowledge. To some, this could be refresher material. Introduction CVs (curriculum vitae) are dynamic. There is no telling what form they will take in twenty years. In this section, you will see the styles currently acceptable in most work organisations in the UK and the world. Depending on your desired career, skills, and profession, there are various styles to choose from so that you can maximise your attraction to would-be employers. 3.1 What Is a CV (Curriculum Vitae)? ‘Curriculum vitae’ is a Latin expression that can loosely translated as ‘the course of my life’. A CV is a marketing tool designed to attract a future employer and get you an

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