Edward Gein: A Serial Killer

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Serial Killers Imagine sitting in your living room watching your favorite show, America’s Most Wanted. When all of a sudden you see a picture of your next door neighbor and under his name it reads serial killer, shocking isn’t it? Serial killers are characterized as being the nice guy next door, a person who keeps to themselves and has had no trouble in the past with the law. The definition of serial killer is as an individual who has killed three or more people over a period of more than a month, with down time between the murders, and whose motivation for killing is usually based on psychological gratification. Edward Gein was born August 27, 1906. He was born to George and Augusta Gein. The family lived in La Crosse, Wisconsin, where…show more content…
When Jeffrey Dahmer was 18, he made his first kill, hitchhiker Steve Hicks. He took him home to his parents' house, where they drank beer and had sex. When Hicks went to leave, Dahmer killed him with a blow to the head from a barbell. He dismembered the corpse of his first victim, packed the body parts in plastic bags, and buried them in the woods behind his parents' house. It would be another nine years before he encountered his second victim. In September 1986, Dahmer was arrested for masturbating in front of two young boys. He received a one-year probationary sentence. The following year in September, Dahmer took his second victim, Steven Toumi, he met in a gay bar. They checked into a hotel room and drank heavily. The following morning, Toumi was dead. Dahmer claims to have found Toumi dead beside him when he woke up. He bought a large suitcase to transport the body to his grandmother's basement.Then he had sex with and, masturbated on the corpse before dismembering it and disposing of the remains in the garbage. On July 22, 1991, when two Milwaukee police officers picked up Tracy Edwards, a young African-American man who was wandering the streets with a handcuff dangling from his wrist, they decided to investigate the man's claims that Dahmer had drugged and restrained him.When they arrived at Dahmer's apartment, he calmly offered to get the keys for the handcuffs. Edwards then claimed that Dahmer had also threatened him with a knife. When the police went to talk to Dahmer about Edward claims they noticed pictures of dismembered bodies lying around, which included one of a head in the

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