Early and Middle Adulthood Paper

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Early and Middle Adulthood Paper Early and Middle Adulthood Paper Individuals in their early and middle adulthood go through many changes in their lives, such as social and intimate relationships, and recognizing various roles that may occur throughout their lives. Depending on the individual relationships with friends, and family, a person may form healthy, and unhealthy habits they may cause serious consequences that may impact his or her future. Social and Intimate Relationships When social relationships are being developed, it can be very stressful, perhaps mind boggling because of the different status or group interactions one has had. This form of social relationships may have acquired certain behaviors from earlier adulthood. One particular behavior that may stem from social relationships is the need for acceptance.“ Personality characteristics tend to be quite stable in adulthood, although some slight age-related trends are apparent. Conscientiousness peaks in middle age” (Berger, 2010, p. 464 ). Therefore, everyone needs, have, or want an acquaintance to share the rest of their lives with. Most men and women in early adulthood want to have an intimate relationship of their own. The fascination of “falling in love,” having a family, and financially stable is one of the reasons individuals want to get married or have relationships (Berger, 2010, p. 412). Over time as individuals get to know about each other they tend to share more intimate details with each other , which is a sign of trust, and commitment. Young adults generally live together instead of marrying before the age of 25 (Berger, 2010, p. 414). This does not mean that complications will not occur in a relationship. Violence, drugs, and alcohol problems happen more frequently in couples that are not married. During middle adulthood, many couples decide to get married later in life
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