E-Commerce and System Design

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Unit 3 Individual Project MGMT 305- Management Information Systems Abstract In this paper I am going to discuss a small business in my area called Spider Tattoos, this is a tattoo and piercing shop that also provides earrings, barbells and clothing. Spider Tattoo does not already employ e-commerce, so I’m setting out to develop an Internet strategy for them. This should help with sales and marketing and the over all organization of the business. E-Commerce and System Design E-commerce is the trend that most companies are going toward now days. The business that I chose that does not already employ e-commerce, which is why I am setting out to develop an Internet strategy for it. As most of the big corporations already use the Internet for business I feel it is extremely important to implement the use of the Internet to help with sales and marketing as well as keeping track of stock control and staff information. In order to thrive in any business these days you have to keep up with the competitors, the use of the Internet in computers is the only way forward. My small business choice in my area, is called Spider Tattoos, it is based in Harrow. This is located in the Greater central London area. Spider Tattoo is a tattoo and piercing shop that also provides earrings, barbells and clothing. As far as I know Spider Tattoo does not already employ e-commerce, so I’m setting out to develop an Internet strategy for them. This should help with sales and marketing and the over all organization of the business. The area that Spider Tattoo is located is largely populated and has many competitors in the surrounding area, within a 1 mile radius there is three businesses selling similar services and stock, These competitors also have e-commerce websites (Nireland, n.d.). I feel this aspect of their business greatly help with drumming up business, something I feel

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