Drawing on What You Have Learnt from Making Social Lives Dvd and Learning Companion 1, Outline How Material Things on City Road Favour the Activities of Some Groups of People over Others

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City Road is the busiest road in Cardiff. Many motorists use City Road as a commute to get to work, home etc. Where as many other people take advantage of the many different shops and restaurants on City Road. In this assignment, I will be looking at the street furniture and road signage of City Road and how it favours the activities of some groups of people over others. City Road, like many others is widely used by pedestrians, workers, road users and the way in which City Road is organised, is largely controlled by the street furniture and signage used. These, direct and aid both pedestrians and road users, so that they not only remain safe while they go on with their daily lives, but also, so they get what they need out of the road, depending on the activities they are carrying out and the needs they may have, i.e. ramps for wheelchair users, larger roads for congestion areas. Visual aids for visually impaired. For example, traffic lights are there to prevent the build-up of traffic and allowing the traffic to flow smoothly so that the road users get to their destination without the hold up, but traffic lights also aid pedestrians in crossing the road safely. Nonetheless many of this road signage favours some groups of people over others. In City Road, there are bollards placed strategically to prevent cars parking on the pavement in certain places. In the DVD, Rodney Berman, said that bollards are placed ‘to stop motorists driving onto the pavement and parking on the pavement, making it difficult for pedestrians, wheelchair users and mothers with pushchairs.’ (Making Social lives, 2009) Even though City Road is very well used by motorists, more so than pedestrians, the bollards are placed to prevent certain activities of motorists and allowing more pavement space and safety for pedestrians. The way certain structures and signage are placed on City

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