Downloading Music Should Be Legal

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Downloading music should be legal because... Laws should be modified to reflect society's norms. In today's society it is considered mainstream to download music. Many people download music, and do not feel it is immoral to do so -- so the law should be updated to reflect society's common perspective. Imagine if laws never change... We would have outdated laws that are not aligned with mainstream views of society! Imagine if it is still illegal for women to vote or if it is still legal to have slaves! Therefore, laws should be adjusted to reflect the moral values of society.

Some argue that downloading music should be illegal in order to protect the profits of the music industry -- however, this suggests that the role of the law is to protect corporations' profits instead of the common citizen. Businesses need to utilize their management team, marketing department, and research department to develop new strategies to succeed in their industry. That is why businesses even have these departments! Instead of using laws to protect business profits, businesses need to compete effectively and adapt in order to succeed. 

It is natural for industries to change over time due to changes in consumer behavior -- although legalizing downloads may decrease the music industry's profits, new businesses such as streaming and downloading websites will grow. This is the natural cycle of all corporations -- some businesses benefit from a change in society, and other businesses will struggle and overcome the change. 

One more note: if you truly believe downloading should be illegal, would you want the legal consequences of downloading music to be enforced on anyone you personally know who has downloaded music? 

Downloading music has become such a common practice in today's society -- it has become a norm. Perhaps, artists, employees and music agencies, and even songwriters download
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