Does Times Really Exist?

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Leo Philosophy Essay Does time really exist? “Time and tides wait for no man”, this is a quote well known for it's emphasis on time. It raises attention on time that we do not have much of it so needing us to use it as efficiently as possible. However have we questioned such quotations and really pursued what time is and it's real meaning for us? The definition of time has eluded many great scholars but it's application has been developed in all fields of science, religion and philosophy. Time has become a very essential part of our lives and our existence (also in scientific research) so the major questions are; does time really exist or could we live/exist without time? Time is a frequently used noun in English and many agree that time exists. Of course, time does exist because it's what “keeps the universe organised”, it's what keeps everything from happening at once. Even though time is a one dimensional and intangible, the concept of it is abstract – dualism. Time also has become a defining factor for our existence and the shape of our morals and ethics. As individuals we perceive personal change because we have the past to compare it to. For example, when I was a child, I loved candy but now with the passage of time, I have discovered that I really don't have a sweet tooth. So as time passed, I change from my then preferences to what I prefer now. Homosexuality in medieval days was a cultural repudiation but in the present era homosexuality is now a new morality that most people are accepting and respecting in society and any action against it would be perceived as outdated or archaic behaviour. So the changing factor of such morals is the progress of time. As well as society, the morals and ethics of society have changed to fit the new trends that come about because modernisation. These tendencies may have been viewed as not right by society
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