How Does Lear Change by the End of Act two

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How Does Lear Change by the End of Act two The audience experience an enormous change in Lear by the end of act two. To come from this figure of sheer power, a King, to this frantic lunatic that has no possession of authority is startling. For Shakespeare to make a play based around this character one would think that he would be an interesting character that has multiple levels of emotion and personality. But we are not. Unlike most of Shakespeare’s works this character has no relatable aspects for the audience to experience. For him to have this meaningless character with no depth, no secondary personality to simply ‘go crazy’ is such a disappointment on Shakespeare behalf. It is fair enough to realise the fact that Shakespeare bases the character on true life, many real life experiences he experienced during his life influences the play. Including the fact that the audience can relate to the relationships between the characters if not the characters themselves. But to call it ‘King Lear’ is misleading to the audience who unlike Macbeth go into great detail of his character. Anyway, sorry about the rant. Its easy to criticise, but hopefully you’ll change my view. I’ll write a better King Lear then I can criticise. At the start of the play the audience see King Lear as a very powerful character as they would any King. Many costume designers and set designers would make sure that he is dressed in very flamboyant material. There’ll most likely be a fair share of gold included. However, right at the beginning we, the audience, are presented to his stupidity, shallow personality and his sheer lack of wisdom. The ‘test’ he gives to his daughters shows this - ‘Which of you shall we say doth love us most?’ Then the audience witness Lear excluding his most beloved daughter and his most trusted and loyal servant, ‘Peace Kent! Come not between the dragon and his
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