Does 1/11 saved Bangladesh from a destructive Civil War?

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Does 1/11 saved Bangladesh from a destructive Civil War? Bangladesh, a small country in South Asia, would have faced the destructive fate of a civil war, if the much controversial general election in 22 January, 2007 could not be stopped by imposing ‘State of Emergency’ under military backing. There is no doubt that members of Bangladesh Armed Forces took highest risk in taking the most critical decision in imposing ‘State of Emergency’ and bringing rather than an uncontroversial personality, like Dr. Fakhruddin Ahmed in the post of Chief Advisor, to salvage the nation from being in an unimaginable political and social disaster. The Army – backed up individuals, called the Care Taker (CT) Government took the power of rule in hand in the 11 January, 2007 – popularly known as 1/11. 1/11 was indeed a new experience for Bangladesh and policy makers treated carefully in whatever they did, to keep the support and credibility. “1/11 created a golden opportunity for Bangladesh to pull the reckless nation onto the right rail line, now anytime it can fall from its line.”, said a well – known lawyer. After 1/11, many of the political leaders and good citizens of Bangladesh realized and felt the importance to develop a participatory process in all political parties for any activities. Majority people have demanded to change and reform all the political parties. The demand was the authentic change and reform of the political culture and behavior. The demand was to change inside the human behavior and attitudes towards the culture politics in Bangladesh. The nation can be worsening than 1/11 at any time, if the Care Taker Government wouldn’t have come to the power, as numerous electronic and print news media have reported. Bangladesh, in case of breaking a civil war that time, could have faced complete destruction and emergence of militant Islamist forces. A serious clash
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