Diversity Journal Analysis

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Assessment Activity 10 Diversity Journal I want to learn to work more effectively and understand diversity and how it is viewed by people. I want to be able to automatically view and understand policy and procedures from various diverse viewpoints. I want to be able to be effective to diverse populations. I hope to understand how I can work more effectively with diversity. I spent many years in Washing DC where I was a minority. Coming from “Small Town, America” it was, at first, a very weird feeling. I was so used to being with people that were just like me and had rarely interacted with people of other colors. I was born and raised in a diverse area. There were many ethnic backgrounds, but we were all “white”. We had Italians,…show more content…
I did not consider them evil as many of my classmates did. I sought additional knowledge so that I could learn more and am more then I was. I was called a teacher’s pet and made fun of because teacher took extra time with me and singled me out at times. However, I made the extra effort, it was my choice to ask them for more work and more learning opportunities. I was treated differently, most of my classmates considered all the teachers that actually made you work for a grade as evil. If they could not breeze through a class without much effort on their part that was exactly what they wanted. Teachers made special accommodations for sports jocks and the druggies. I believe there are valid cases of class discrimination in high school. Sexual Orientation Discrimination in the Workplace - I find it hard to believe that in this day and age, you can tell someone in most states – sorry you are gay or lesbian so I am not going to hire you. It should not matter what your sexual preferences is as long as you have all the needed qualifications to do the job. I think all states should adopt a no discrimination policy into their legislation. I guess I have no idea why who you go to bed with at night has anything to do with the quality of the job you do during the…show more content…
It spells out all aspects that I would need to deal with in my organization in very clear detail. I actually took this article in to my HR person to review. People have to remember that it is “reasonable” accommodations – what can you do to meet their needs without affecting others work and not putting undue hardship on the business. Illness Discrimination - This article is from 2003 but it was the best article that I fund in regards to this situation. Mental illness discrimination is very prevalent in today’s society although it is hidden behind other discriminations. This is a critical situation, as mental illness does not get the same “press” time as the other discrimination. Framing discrimination in a broader social light diminished the frequency with which it was identified. I think it is even sadder that ½ of the mentally ill people that were surveyed had been discriminated
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