Discipline and Respect

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Respect: Respect is a big thing in the Army. On 2 May 2013 I failed to show any respect towards my NCOs. I didn’t show any repect by calling them by there rank or standing at parade rest. This is what respect means to me and how I was taught. I first understood respect as something that I had to show others. As a child I was taught to respect my parents, teachers, and elders. At that time I thought of respect as obedience and a showing of deference. Over the years my circle of friends expanded. As a young adult I understand that I have to respect all others. No matter who they are. Respect seemed more of an allowing for differences. And about letting others be, do and think as they wanted. I also learned that it was also important to respect myself. Respect seemed to mean ensuring that I was treated well that I could practice my beliefs and how I liked things to be. I learned that earning the respect of friends was somehow significant. And respect in that context seemed to mean an earning of their approval or even admiration. This to me is how I believe respect is and should be. Discipline: This is what I think displine means. Cause on 2 May 2013 I had 0 discipline and I plan on working at this. Discipline means obedience to a superior. Accepting the norms of the family the commands of elders and obeying them is also discipline. Discipline means accepting punishments for messing up. Discipline also means training of mind and character, developing self-control and the habit of obedience. There is an order and discipline in the entire world! Discipline could be divided into two broad categories, external and internal. External discipline is that which is imposed by outside authority. It is often linked with authority and force. Discipline in the army is a huge thing. Soldiers do not have a say in it except implicit obedience. A soldier in a war
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