Difficult Situation Essay

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“Although you may not be able to avoid difficult situations, you can modify the extent to which you suffer by how you choose to respond to the situation.” - Dalai Lama Suppression and avoidance are two common reactions to difficult situations and result in aggression, which is then taken out on oneself and surrounding people. Although many avoid confrontation, these actions often prolong the situation. While others may react impulsively, I choose to respond consciously, which results in the manifestation of positive energy rather than negative. No matter the circumstance or what I’m feeling, I always persevere to the best of my ability. In challenging situations, I believe that I demonstrate leadership and character by thinking about…show more content…
This situation was overwhelmingly difficult for me. I lived in a constant state of anxiety, but each day I persevered through. I wasn’t going to let a disorder define me. I attended school and kept my grades up. I attended swim and though my times suffered, I pushed through. I handled the situation with grace and at first, I ignored the bullies. They say “if you ignore it it will go away”. Let me tell you from experience that’s dead wrong. I’ll never forget one of those days. It had been an especially difficult morning. I arrived at school and was immediately assaulted with the boy’s words. Normally it was only 6-7 people that participated in my torment. But today there was only one person in the class- and it wasn’t the teacher that didn't participate in my torment. After sitting through the period, I was forced to confide in an adult that kindly handled the situation. Then, so began the reference of myself as a snitch. A lot of the time I was in pain, whether physically from my stomach disorder or mentally from living in a state of constant anxiety, just waiting for the next insult to come flying at me. However, I did it. I made it through that year. While it was the toughest year of my life, it shaped my character by teaching me how to handle tough situations with strength and maturity and thus, strengthened me as a
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