Develop and Implement Policies and Procedures to Support Safegauarding

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Unit 140(508) Develop and implement policies and procedures to support the safeguarding of children and young people. 1.1 - . Outline the current legislation that underpins the safeguarding of children and young people within own UK Home Nation. The All Wales Child protection procedures was originally wriiten in 2002 and updated in 2008 All Wales child protection procedures provides a common set of child protection procedures for every safeguarding board in Wales. The Procedures are divided into 5 parts, covering: • the context for child protection work • what to do if it is suspected that a child is being abused or at risk of abuse • the procedures to follow once a report of suspected abuse or neglect has been made • the management of particular types of child abuse • protocols developed by the All Wales Child Protection Procedures Review Group since 2002. In 2004 the Welsh Assembly Government issued the Children and young people: rights to action framework, a guide for government and service providers to improve the lives of children in Wales. It has seven core aims, each linked to articles in the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child (UNCRC). Progress is measured by the Children and young people well-being monitor. Children and young people: rights to action says children and young people should: * have a flying start in life. * have a comprehensive range of education and learning opportunities. * enjoy the best possible health and be free from abuse, victimisation and exploitation * have access to play, leisure, sporting and cultural activities. * be listened to, treated with respect, and have their race and cultural identity recognised. * have a safe home and a community which supports physical and emotional wellbeing. * not be disadvantaged by poverty. The Rights of Children and Young Persons

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