Describe and Evaluate Research That Suggests That There Are Different Types of Attachment

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Describe and evaluate research that suggests that there are different types of attachment Mary Ainsworth (1970) preformed an experiment called ‘Strange situation’ to study how infants behaved under mild stressful situation by separation and stranger anxiety. The procedure followed 8 steps; the first was that the mother and the infant were put in a room (the laboratory where Ainsworth sat behind a stained glass observing and notating) full of toys, then a stranger walked in without any interaction with the child or mother. Soon after the mother walked out, leaving the stranger and the infant alone (separation and stranger anxiety). After a short while the mother would re-enter to greet and/or comfort, then the infant was left alone (specifically examining the behavior during separation). The stranger then enters in an attempt to comfort the child then after a short while the mother would walk in and the stranger would leave inconspicuously. There results were as followed, Ainsworth found that 22% of the infants were avoidant-insecure, 66% were classed as having a secure attachment and 12% were resistant-insecure. In conclusion the study showed that there were three significant differences between infants and their form of attachment that can be placed in three categories. Also that the mother’s behavior may be significant in determining the infants attachment type as there was an association between the mother’s behavior and the child’s. Although this research has helped many psychologists (Erickson et al, Everett waters) with their experiments this one may not be very valid, because the results may not apply to infants with different cultures and beliefs, therefore we cannot generalize the results as it was only tested on middle-class US children. Another fault in the experiment was that it didn’t take into account the extraneous variables which may have
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