Derrick Bird Actvity 1 Criminal Profiling

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On 2nd June 2010 Derrick Bird rampaged through the Cumbrian town of Egremont and the surrounding countryside .He killed 12 people and wounded many others (between 11-25 according to different newspaper reports). Using the internet and newspaper reports gather as much information as you can about this incident then using your learning from study of the preceding module answer the following questions. 1. What type of murder did Bird commit? (Mass murder, Spree murder, Serial murder). Hunteremkay, April 21, 2012 writes; a Spree criminal is one who commits two or more crime assaults scattered at two or more locations in a short time period. (Some suggest this could be from a few days to up to a week or two). Derrick Bird. Known locally in Cumbria as “Birdy”. Daily Mirror Monday 14.05.12 .Quote that “he shot his twin brother David and the family solicitor. His rampage only came to an end when he took his own life at a Lake District beauty spot but not before going on a shooting spree that injured 24 people and killing a further 12. Richard Edwards The Telegraphs crime correspondent 9:ooam BST 05 June 2010 Writes; The devastating speed of Derrick Birds killing spree was laid bare yesterday as detectives published the first definition breakdown of what they described as his “45-mile rampage”. 2. Evaluate the criminal act (i.e. what was the Modus Operandi, Why did he do it). The Telegraph 9:30am BST 05 June 2011 Derrick Bird. The 52 year old Taxi driver from Cumbria started his killing spree, mid- morning, in Lamplugh. Killing his twin brother David” and his family solicitor “Kevin Commons” Then proceeded randomly through the villages. It was speculated that bird had been involved in a family dispute over his fathers will although, “Birds” brothers have denied reports of any family feud. BBC News 2nd November 2010 writes; Bird ounce a joiner employed at Sellafield but

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