Demolition Engineers with Explosive Ideas

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Demolition Engineers with Explosive Ideas Bacon, Nobel, and Oppenheimer are three of the greatest engineers of their field. Building off each others’ discoveries and ideas, they each placed a block in the building of demolition science. Rodger Bacon invented black powder. He alone knew, though, that this feat would lead to devastating and horrific disasters. Predicting the war, chaos, and destruction that would be born from this powder, he did not want the formula to fall into the wrong hands. Cocky and probably still wanting the credit for his achievement, Rodger recorded his formula in a puzzle and hoped to prevent the inevitable. Thus, Bacon added to the field of demolition science, like Nobel and Oppenheimer, but knew the problems that mankind would face because of it, unlike Nobel and Oppenheimer. Alford Nobel had many great achievements. He invented dynamite and the detonator. His motivation, though, was different than Bacon’s. Nobel worked for the “good” of mankind or so he thought. His purpose was to prevent and end wars with the demolition technology he created. Ironically, the man who took a huge step forward in destruction did not want to be viewed that way. Nobel also created the Nobel Peace Prize which is still awarded to the great peoples of today. Robert Oppenheimer is most famously known as the inventor of the atomic bomb. He was a physicist who was in some ways similar to Nobel. Robert’s atomic bomb is a huge paradox. He, like Nobel, invented it to end wars, but his invention is known today for it’s use in wars and incomparable demolition abilities. In conclusion Rodger, Alford, and Robert are three of the greatest engineers of their field. Building off each others’ discoveries and ideas, they each placed a block in the building of demolition science. Simply put, they are similar in the field of their contributions, but the
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