Delaware Culture in the Walam Olum

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Ms. Oswalt English III September 25, 2013 Delaware Culture in The Walum Olum The cultures of the Delaware in The Walum Olum can been seen through the strong customs, attitudes and sturdy beliefs. The story of creation is one known and believed by many, and though has not been proven factual, is constant and repetitive throughout various cultures. The people live in the Delaware has strong customs that the people actually leaned on to. “Some of their explanations, like The Walum Olum, are recorded in pictographs, symbols painted on wood or stone” (Olum 1). The people has the customs of oral tradition and unwritten stories which are taught by the responsible people to the coming generations. The custom of oral tradition was a major part of the Delaware people’s life and by the tradition the people lived depending on the things that was told in the oral tradition. “At traditional ceremonies, a person who had inherited the right to keep The Walum Olum would interpret its meaning for the other members of the tribe” (1). The people believed that there were certain people who were chosen for the interpretation and as a custom it was continued through all ceremonies and the special person with the Walum Olum interpreted the meaning. The Delaware people had a positive attitude towards their culture, and as well as the people respected the culture. “For all Native Americans, each creature in nature contains its own power by which it maintains itself and affects others” (1). The Americans had definite and precise attitude about themselves and other people in the tribe. The people actually showed respect for other people and also believed every single person has a power and positions, which was already given to the each one of them. “He gave the first mother, the mother of beings” (3). The people has immense respect to the Manito. The people respected the Manito and the

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