Deception And Desolation In Hemingway's Soldiers Home

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Deception and Desolation in Hemingway’s “Soldiers Home” In “Soldiers Home” Hemingway illustrates Harold Krebs return home from his Marine life and the struggles he faces when dealing with his late homecoming. Life wasn’t as simple as he hoped. In considering the pride and nobility of coming back from Belleau Wood, Soissons, the Champaign, St. Mihiel and the Argonne Battles, which were quite ghastly to say the least. Krebs found it hard to talk about all he had seen in his journeys overseas, which should be attributed to the fact that he saw some of the bloodiest battles known to mankind. Although he had become a great soldier and had survived years of bloodshed, he was not recognized or acknowledged by his own town and even more important…show more content…
Harold never had a true place at home. The dysfunctional relationship that surrounded him pulled him away from his regular society and led him to enlist in the Marines from a Methodist college, the young Oklahoma native never thought of his birthplace as a stable place for him. Although Harold feels proud and honored of being highly ranked his family and town don’t seem to acknowledge him. They have been through so much with the other returning soldiers that his stories and self-provoking lies don’t seem to excite anyone. After returning home the adjustment didn’t seem easy at all for anyone in Harold’s household. As the lies grew and the stories grew old, Harold became a different type of person: “Krebs acquired the nausea in regard to experience that is the result of untruth or exaggeration.” Harold’s Mother tried to put up with his stories and from time to time tried to listen to his dishonesties of war, but quickly became bored. Soon after she demanded him to find a job and a girl and to try to live a life of a normal Oklahoma young man, Krebs quickly pushed her off and agreed with her comments. “Before Krebs went away to the war he had never been allowed to drive the family motor car.” So when his mother tried to bribe him with using the car and giving…show more content…
Couldn't you be my beau, Hare, if I was old enough and if you wanted to?" "Sure. You're my girl now." "Am I really your girl?" "Sure." "Do you love me?" "Uh, huh." "Do you love me always?" "Sure." Unfortunately Krebs is too caught up in his own world to be his sister’s older brother and to show her why this mindset she has is wrong. There comes a point where both of Krebs’s parents are fed up with his laziness and his unwillingness to do anything with his life that his mother sits him down and tries to approach him in a more of a religious way. She speaks of God and how much they love him and want the best for him. "I'm your mother," she said. "I held you next to my heart when you were a tiny baby." Krebs felt sick and vaguely nauseated. "I know, Mummy," he said. "I'll try and be a good boy for you." This method of love towards Krebs is of a mother and a young child, but Krebs is a man now and treating him like a child will only disable him from performing in life. Harold will probably never grow up mentally and could possibly end up on the wrong side of the
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