Debate over Whether Prisoners

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123The debate over whether prisoners should be allowed the right to vote is a heated issue. The laws vary from country to country, and even from state to state in the United States. The laws governing prisoners' right to vote are often referred to as disenfranchisement laws. Globally, there is a concern about whether these laws single out poor people or specific races of people. Every human has rights but they also come with responsibilities to maintain that right. They originally are given the right of freedom in a governed state but they have the responsibility to follow the laws of the state. The debate over whether prisoners should be allowed the right to vote is a heated issue. The laws vary from country to country, and even from state to state in the United States. The laws governing prisoners' right to vote are often referred to as disenfranchisement laws. Globally, there is a concern about whether these laws single out poor people or specific races of people. Every human has rights but they also come with responsibilities to maintain that right. They originally are given the right of freedom in a governed state but they have the responsibility to follow the laws of the state. The debate over whether prisoners should be allowed the right to vote is a heated issue. The laws vary from country to country, and even from state to state in the United States. The laws governing prisoners' right to vote are often referred to as disenfranchisement laws. Globally, there is a concern about whether these laws single out poor people or specific races of people. Every human has rights but they also come with responsibilities to maintain that right. They originally are given the right of freedom in a governed state but they have the responsibility to follow the laws of the state. The debate over whether prisoners should be allowed the right to vote is a heated
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