To What Extent Are Human Rights Effectively Protected at International Level?

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To what extent are human rights effectively protected at international level? Human rights have become one of the biggest international concerns since 1945. There are several mechanisms that have been put in place to make sure the international community would acknowledge and respect them, which operate at different levels. At international level we can find the norms created by International Law, the UN's system of intergovernmental treatment of human rights and the transnationalisation of this regime set up by NGOs. Moreover, there are more specific rules applied at regional scale as represented by the European Union and the inter-american systems. However, the international regime of protection of human rights is still quite fragile, mostly because its principles are constantly being object of protests (e.g. they are claimed to be universal, but in reality we face a variety of different notions, i.e. the African Chart or the Islamic Chart) and the notion of transnational “invocabilité” seems to clash with the notion of “sovereignty” of each Country. The human rights regime has been a branch of International Law since 1945. This regime lies upon the 1948 Universal Declaration of Human Rights, which was adopted with a resolution of the UN General Assembly, but paradoxically lacking of a restrictive force. However, to resolve this defect, two new resolution were adopted by the United Nations in 1966: the PIDESC (protection of economic, social and cultural rights) and the PIDCP (protection of civil and political rights). These treaties led to a semi-institutionalised regime represented by the “Comité des Droits Humains des Nations Unies”, which operates a strict control over the Countries' engagement in respecting them. The International Law regime was also reinforced by the adoption of the 4 Treaties of Geneva, in 1949. These treaties aimed specifically to
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