Daydreaming In Church: Pious Reflections During Distracted Moments

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Daydreaming in Church: Pious Reflections during ‘Distracted’ Moments Mystics and saints teach the importance of loving one another unconditionally and finding the goodness of God everywhere. St. Faustina in particular implores us to ‘find the hidden Jesus’ in all of our business. Sort of like an Eye Spy puzzle for the devout. It is hard to do this daily when we feel threatened by someone or learn to dislike things and people. The good news is that Jesus reveals Himself at the most uncanny times whether or not we are looking for Him. This is sobering. I know when I get a warm, humble partly melancholic feeling Christ is present. Thomas Merton describes it as a ‘welling up’ and I know I feel it since my eyes might tear and I get a lump in my throat. I get less upset with myself than I used to when my mind wanders in Church. This is because I’ve learned from the other one hundred and sixty seven hours in the week that I usually can’t control daily distractions. I will share three experiences which occurred during the most holy moments of the mass where Jesus revealed Himself and I was not ‘concentrating’ on finding Him. Holy moments include times when the tabernacle is open, transubstantiation, or during the priest’s admonition to offer one another peace. Beneath the veneer of humbly sharing daydreaming experiences is the hope that the reader gleans and extrapolates their own daily game of Eye Spy; to ‘find the hidden Jesus’ in all of our business. Mass was at St. Mary’s in the small town Montrose, Pennsylvania. I was still hung over and tired from the camping trip the night before. Once annually I camp with old friends who have scattered away. We drink beer, stay up all night playing cards and talk by the fire. Three of us went to Sunday Mass and sat among town regulars and tourists. There is an acclimation you experience when you visit someone

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