Day Support Assignment

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(P.1) Initial Assignment The team at day services have a weekly meeting where I am able to discuss concerns, progression or future planned activities for service users, (S.U). Attending the meeting is the day services manager, with whom I have monthly supervision with the opportunity to broaden the feedback of my monthly support. My job description is one of the elements that make up my contract of employment and forms part of the appraisal process. (SHC 221.2)Standards that influence my role in day support would be a commitment to undertake any qualification relevant to my post (Powys Social Service Qualification Framework), a positive attitude to supporting people with learning difficulties. A positive attitude to working as…show more content…
It also shows me my legal responsibilities and guides me in the expectations of my job role, and agreed working practices: procedures, h & s, policies and procedures, equal opportunities, confidentiality and recording systems. (SHC 221.1/1.3)My job role is to provide a quality service to meet the needs of adults with learning difficulties and to support service users with day to day support in line with agreed care plans. I would promote effective inclusion into the community whilst encouraging independence and autonomy. I would also enable and support adults with a learning difficulty to participate in meaningful activities within day services, to college courses and to employment placements (P2) together with ensuring they have a safe environment to work in where they can develop their skills. I would always make every effort not to bring any personal problems into my support work. My attitudes, prejudices and preferences would not be brought to bear in any support situation. It is a requirement of my role to recognise the value and dignity of every human being irrespective of race, status, gender, sexual orientation, age disability or…show more content…
I have completed a 6 hour course, run by Powys disabled sport and have passed my increased knowledge on to managers and colleagues. Personalisation enables individuals or groups in a social care setting to find the right solution for them and to participate in the delivery of a service. (HSC2010 1.1/2/3) For instance, when I am supporting during leisure activities I need to be sure the activity is appropriate to the skills and ability of the person and that I am also able to support in an effective and safe way. I have found that activities can be a great help in developing skills, helps in participation and integration with others and builds a sense of team work to reach common goals. When trying new activities the benefits include the satisfaction of trying something new, which acts as a stimulant to learn new skills, acquire different sensations and to reach new goals i.e.: If someone’s ambition was
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