David Foster Wallace Commencement Speech Analysis

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Cameron Dear Professor Varnum, I have decided upon option “A” for my paper, as I was interested in the tactics that David Foster Wallace utilized in his commencement speech. In addition, I also found his views on the true value of a college education to be very interesting and was excited to share my views as well. Please give me your feedback at your earliest convenience. Sincerely, Cameron Most college educations are what one makes of them and a college education is about more than simply earning a degree and preparing oneself for their future. A college education is about giving oneself the ability to have control over their life. David Foster Wallace speaks volumes to this point, as the true value of education lies not in the obvious benefits but rather in the deep seeded experiences that a student takes away with them and culminates in the form of tangible skills that can be utilized in real life. Commencement speeches tend to be motivational, celebratory, and inspirational, Although David Foster Wallace embodied these three subcategories in some capacity in his commencement speech at Kenyon College; he did so by presenting the graduating students with a piece of wisdom that they could use as they moved into their professional lives. David Foster Wallace informed the young…show more content…
Many college professors claim that they love working with young adults, that they love teaching and doing research, that they love the benefits that they receive or that they love their vacation time. When a person has a career that they believe to be fulfilling, and that they derive meaning from, they are able to create a life for themselves that gives them control over their

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