Custom Essay: Beowulf As A Hero

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BEOWULF ESSAY In the epic poem Beowulf, Beowulf is faced with many challenges, but ultimately proves himself to be a hero. Beowulf shows he is hero in many ways such as being brave, risking his life to save others, and being a great king who protects his people. Throughout the story he kills monsters and gains the respect of others. Beowulf is a great hero because he saves countless lives and is a selfless man. Beowulf is a hero who as saved countless lives fighting many monsters such as Grendel, Grendel’s mom, and the dragon. He saved many lives and died doing it. The amount of lives he saved made him a great hero. When we first meet Beowulf he is traveling to herot because he heard about their troubles. Herot had been under attack from Grendel for 12 years. Beowulf came to herot and asked the king for permission to kill Grendel. (Put in quote) The king gave him permission and told Beowulf…show more content…
He never backed down from a fight even if he knows he might die, such as when he fought the dragon he went into the fight even though he thought he would die. This proves that Beowulf is brave even in life threatening moments. Beowulf is a great king who won them many great battles and protects them. He was a very generous and powerful king. Even though he was the king he still went to go fight the dragon. Even though he could have just sent his men to kill the dragon he went to do it himself and dies from a bite from the dragon and the regrets not having a son because he devoted his life to others. Beowulf is a hero who as saved countless lives fighting many monsters such as Grendel, Grendel’s mom, and the dragon. He saved many lives and died doing it. The amount of lives he saved made him a great hero. Beowulf is a great hero who saved countless lives, was brave, and a great and generous king. He died being one of the best hero’s of hos time. The epic poem Beowulf will be remembered for a long

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