Cultural Differences Essay

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Cultural Differences Cultural differences are the variations in the way of life, beliefs, traditions and laws between different countries, religions, societies and people. Some of the differences between cultures are enforced by internal rules whereas others just happen through many years of development towards a certain way over another. The events of the past certainly shape the moods and opinions of people living in that specific country. I would like to introduce some examples of cultural differences between Americans and Europeans. These are of course the major trends, and exception exists everywhere. Irish and Polish people, for instance, tend to be closer to the American mainstream than to some of their fellow Europeans. Canadians are somewhere in between, sometimes more European, but often closer to their southern neighbours. Feeling of time & distances Americans consider a 100-year old house or church as old , but for Europeans is quite new. When it comes to distances, Europeans would tend to think that driving 100 km is quite a long way, while for Americans that would be rather near. This is due to the much higher density of population in Europe. Also Europeans travel much more than Americans, inside or outside their own continent. Cars Almost all Europeans have cars with manual gears, while Americans have a marked preference for automatic ones. American cars tend to be more massive and squarer, because size matters in the States. Smaller cars are much more common in Europe, probably because Europe has a more urbanized population and small cars are easier to park in cities. Measure System All Europeans use the metric system (metres, grammes, litres, Celsius, etc.). Although Americans do learn it at school, the vast majority of them still use the old English Imperial system (yards, miles, pounds, Fahrenheit, etc.) for everyday
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