Cultural Competence Essay

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Dynamics of Cross-Cultural Ministry PRM 424 Personal Cultural Assessment Pre-Seminar Assignment #3 Submitted by Tim Sell Olivet Nazarene University Ms. Karen D. Young, Mr. Alfredo Martinez 5/20/2013 My study of assessing personal and group relationships in the context of cultural relevance has led me to proceed with the knowledge that it is not an exact science. In fact, unless the parameters have changed, as I was growing up testing ones’ intelligence quotient (IQ) was found to be racially biased, because the questions were based on the predominant culture of the country. Instead of the term Cultural Intelligence (CQ) (Rah, Soong-Chan, 26), I prefer to use the terms “culturally sensitive,” culturally relevant,” culturally savvy” and even more to the point, being culturally responsible. And as I apply my learning, I appreciate being able to assess my personal culture as a baseline to try to understand other cultures. My socioethnic culture appears to be largely “Anglo-American.” While I resent the specifics that have been stripped away in favor of our country’s’ “melting pot,” I acknowledge the strong German-Irish ancestral lineage I have. Defining socioethnic culture is described as “deep and elusive” (Livermore, 94). He goes on quote others to postulate that national boundaries cannot limit the scope or depth of socioethnic culture as he previously noted that the large majority of us are members of “multiple cultural domains” (93). I acknowledge that depth in something as simple as my foods. I rarely eat Hispanic food, and Mexican food is elusive. Taco Bell and others more accurate serve Tex-Mex food, a cultural collaboration but more likely acquiescence. Sandwiches and the hot dog were also developed to fit the European-Western Civilization value of expedience transcending quality. I love hot dogs. I see them as a technological blending

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