Understand the importance of working in ways that are agreed with the employer 2.1 Describe why it is important to adhere to the agreed scope of your job role this is important as it sets out boundaries in your job role, enables you to know your role and the responsibility’s you have, knowing your own level of competence and skills also means you will not carry out any job the you do not have the relevant experience and training to complete safely. 2.2 Outline what is meant by agreed ways of working You’re agreed ways of working would be included in your contract. You also have a responsibility as a Care worker to work
You will be accountable and responsible for any mistakes or errors. You do not have to like the people you work with and you will need to keep personal opinions and feelings to yourself. Mutual respect and understanding needs to be established and is a key factor in developing a good working relationship. A personal relationship is formed through choice, with someone you share interests and feelings with and who you like. There will be no set of rules or procedures to follow and you won’t get paid.
You chose personal relationships but you don’t choose your colleagues. You share personal thoughts and feelings in a personal relationship but not a working relationship. 1.2 Working relationships will include those with colleagues, family members of service users you care for and the service users themselves. You may provide a number of services to service users such as physiotherapy, befriending and cleaning. Understand the importance of working in ways that are agreed with the employer 2.1 There are certain agreed ways in which we must work.
Assignment 206 – Understand the role of the social care worker Task A – Short Answer Questions Ai) Three differences between a working relationship and a personal relationship. A personal relationship is unbound by any professional ruling, standards or practises, is conducted outside of the work place (regardless of employ) and is built on an individuals values, beliefs and emotions. A working relationship, is built based on your employment and exists due to that. It will be bound and guided by policy, codes of practice and the roles in an individuals job description. The relationship is there on a basis of a service provision.
With a working relationship you have a set of | |the health and social |rules that you must follow and adhere to, along with guidelines/policies. You also have to realise that we work with people and however | |care worker |difficult it may seem on times, I would never let my personal feelings interfere with my job role and the tasks I had to carry out. Every so | | |often (as with all staff within REACH) a CRB record would be carried out to check staffs history and back round. In a working relationship I | | |have to remain professional and speak to people differently than I would in a personal relationship. For example I would refer to the people I | | |support as sir, gent or Mr and not mate or butty!
• If you allow your own preferences to dominate your work with people, you fail to perform to the standards set by the UK regulating bodies, they require workers to respect and promote people’s individual views and wishes. • To make the right response when there is a clash between your views and those of the people you are working for, you have to identify and understand your own views and values. • Lots of people are better suited to working for themselves which isn’t always about an inability to follow orders; it can be for many reasons exclusive per company/boss. • Own Values: you may be working shifts you don’t like, and not be able to do anything about it, events like these will lead to disagreements with how your boss sees’s things and how work is
Learner Name_______Melanie Cox_______________________________________ Unit – HSC025 Unit | Learning outcome(s) | Assessment criteria | Questions | HSC025 | 1 | 1.1 | Explain how a working relationship is different from a personal relationship. | Answer The difference between a working relationship and personal relationship is that a working relationship is different because of boundaries, professional codes of conduct, employer policies and procedures. in your working relationship you would be friendly have a different approach treat with equality you would know your role and responsibility you would not share personal information as you would with friends. Also a working relationship as no emotional attachment and is primary based around your job, where as personal relationship as an emotional attachment due having family and personal friends and is not work related | | 1 | 1.2 | Describe different working relationships in health and social care settings. | Answer In the health and social care setting there are many different working relationships.
Unit 4222-206 The role of the social care worker Outcome 1 Unerstand working relationships in health and social care 1. The way in which a working relationship is different would be because of the boundaries, professional codes of conduct, employer policies and procedures. In your working relationships you would be friendly and have a different approach. The way that we relate to those we support should be guided by clear boundaries. You would not share information about your personal life as you would with your friends.
UNIT 4222-206 The role of the Health and Social Care Worker Outcome 1 1.1 A working relationship is different from a personal relationship because of boundaries, professional codes of conduct and employer policies and procedures. In working relationships you are friendly and have a different approach, whilst treating everyone equally. You should not share personal information as you would in a personal relationship with friends. Also a working relationship should not have any emotional attachments and is primarily based on you job, where as a personal relationship has an emotional attachment due to having family and friends that are not work related. 1.2 There are many different working relationships in the Health and Social Care setting.
Working relationships are governed by policies and procedures structured by the employer. Professional codes of conduct need to be adhered to and although friendly, you wouldn't share personal information as you would with family and friends. There is no emotional attachements in working relationships and an approach of responsibilty and equality should be in place. Describe different working relationships in health and social care settings. Relationships differ in health and social care setting such as collegues, managers, doctors, paramedics, district nurses and service users with their family and friends.