Critical Reading Reflection

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Critical Reading Reflection Boundary in Education Introduction According to the definition in the dictionary, “a boundary is something that shows where an area ends and another area begins, as a river, a fence, or an imaginary line; a boundary is a point or limit that indicates where two things are different, as a line or zone between two countries”. All of these boundaries are limited. Is there any boundary is not limited? How about the boundaries in education and what are they? In the book Lives on The Boundary, the author, Mike Rose, introduced several kinds of USA students living in a boundary of their education, such as working-class children, poorly educated Vietnam veterans, underprepared college students, adults in a literacy program. They live in “an in-between zone, a kind of border territory, both a site of possibility and vulnerability” (p. 247). Most of them came from low-income families in which their parents have no time to take care of them and give any help in their studies. In Rose’s view, there is a boundary in their education. The boundary is not limited and invisible. This boundary keeps them out of school. “They lived for many of their years in an educational underclass”(p. xi). This boundary blocks the underprepared students from doing well in school so they cannot get good opportunities to improve their lives as other students coming from middle or upper classes. However, Rose believes that the students who came from low-income can cross the boundary and reach the places that have opportunities to be successful. In Rose’s opinion, even though the students are poor or they did not have opportunities to receive good education when they were young, if they can get enough guidance and encouragement from their mentors and get enough help from the education system combined with
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