Crazy Stupid Love (Movie Review)

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Article Summary: Crazy Stupid Love Name: Tutor: Course: Date: University: Introduction Crazy stupid love is directed by Glenn Ficarra and John Requa, it is written by Dan Fogelman. In the movie Steve carell was more than forty years old and married for over twenty years. By this time he had a good job and married to Emily (Julianne Moore). He knew Emily back in his high school years and they became good friends (Scott 2011). Plot summary Emily had cheated on his husband with David Lindhagen (Kevin Bacon) who was working together with his husband. The many visits to bars and loud talks about his divorce are what Jacob meets his friend to be Steve Carell. By then Jacob was a humanizer who always made away with different kinds of women to his house. One lady by the name Hannah (Emma Stone) had refused to go with him. Later Cal’s wardrobe is changed by Jacob and he is taught all the tricks of seducing women. Cal starts dating and in his first date he meets with Kate (Marisa Tomei) who refuses his advance but later agrees to sleep with him in his apartment (Scott 2011). As days go by Cal manages to sleep with more women, but still not happy with the way his family is falling apart. Later Cal meets his wife Emily at a parents teachers conference where his son Robbie. As Emily starts out with David, Jacob goes with Hannah and avoids Cal most of the time. Robbies is in love with Jessica who is in love with Cal. At one time Emily calls Cal to tell him to light the furnace which is nowhere. Cal decides to win back Emily, as Jacob falls in love with Hannah and even wants to marry her. Cal makes a golf set in their backyard to remind Emily of their first date. At the event Hannah shows up with Jacob who turns out to be the daughter of Cal and Emily. At the same time Jessica’s father attacks Cal over the naked photos he had

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