Crash The Movie

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CRASH Word Count 1,684 Crash Did you know that everyone is racist or prejudice at some point in their life? No matter how much you try to deny that fact, there is still racism and prejudice among everyone in society. Even if it is not displayed all the time it is either in your subconscious or only expressed under circumstances of threat or fear. This can all be view in a very moving video called “Crash”. The movie “Crash” does a great job of showing how racism can affect everyone differently and how it can be displayed in different forms from all types of people. “Crash” can be a very confusing movie but has a great overall story. It shows how closely connected we all really are and how we are not all that different from each other. The movie starts out with a crash seen Detective Graham and Ria seem to have been hit by Kim. Then Ria and Kim get into an argument over whose fault it was. This is when you first start to see prejudice unfold. As the argument between Ria and Kim gets heated they turn to the use of racial insults and just continue badgering each other. Right next to the car crash is an investigation in progress and Detective Graham goes to take a look. Then the movie jumps back to the day before the crash. It instantly goes to Dorri and Farhad buying a gun. The guy selling them the gun gets in a dispute with Farhad because the man insults Farhad for not speaking English. Then the scene jumps to Anthony and Peter discussing how racist Anthony thinks their waitress was and that he felt she deliberately was being slow because they were black. Anthony also thinks every white person on the street is sizing them up because of their color and that all the white people fear them. Then Anthony and Peter turn around hold Rick and Jean at gun point and take their car and drive away. This scene to me was very contradictive to what Anthony

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