Confidentiality of a client can be a challenge when switching the role of an advocate to become the mediator. As an advocate there will be information known that could influence the success of the mediator. Personal Philosophy in Planned Parenthood The most important aspect to have when working as an advocator and a mediator would be self-awareness. An individual needs to know what possible biases may be present within him or herself. An individual needs to leave personal values, opinions, and personal biases completely out of the
I do not believe ethic is always black and white and sometimes certain decisions health care providers make can might be considered unethical but made for the right reasons. I do believe health care providers attempt to make ethical decisions daily but moral dilemmas and conflict can get in the way. “Not all ethical dilemmas involve choosing between two happy options. Sometimes an ethical dilemma involves having to choose between two actions, both of which are undesirable options” (Ingram&Parks, 2006, p.16). This writer will explore her own ethical dilemmas by using the American College of Healthcare Executives (ACHE) to determine if I am as ethical as I may think.
And thirdly, we must separate ourselves from using social, political, religious and legal beliefs in making a sound decision on how to handle ethical situations that we encounter in our workplace as well as our daily lives. How will you handle your next ethical situation? Will you evaluate it with critical thought or base it on what the world around us
This “professional maturity” is the foundation for which ethical decision making is built upon. There are no readymade or easy answers; however, there are several models for ethical decision making. The author helps to create a series of procedural steps to help one work through ethical problems that may arise. Those steps inclue1) identifying the problem, 2) indentify the potential issues, 3) consider relevant ethic codes in terms of general guidelines, 4) consider relevant policy, regulations and laws which apply or may apply to this situation, 5) seek out consultation from other professionals, 6) come up with a variety of possible courses of action to resolve the situation at hand, 7) select one course of action which appears to be the best. The Right of Informed Consent is both an ethical and a legal requirement and one which must be woven into our therapeutic process from the beginning.
Why is the initial consultation so important? What factors will an ethical therapist cover at this time? The underlining reasons why ethics are vitally important in therapy are not romantic benevolent ideals concerned with altruism but reasons of practicality. It would simply not be effective and sustainable for any therapeutic profession to allow unethical practices to happen, since this behaviour will damage the reputation of the profession at large. It is therefore in the interests of all practitioners to adhere to some sort of rules of conduct.
But actually the law cannot control everything, for instance, some ethical issues like Wikileaks. Therefore, the code of ethical is the most significant part to make people do the right things. In this report the Wkikileaks will be a famous ethical issue to be analyzed, the case facts will present an accurate representation of the case, the ethical dilemma will provide a detailed account of the problem to be solved by the decision-maker, and will be expressed in the manner consistent with the theory. The report will demonstrate a detailed understanding of the ethical theory under review through a logical and defensible resolution of the ethical dilemma. The final recommendation in the report will resolve the ethical dilemma will be presented in this report, and reflection on learning experience and critique will be described in the last.
Ethics area a code of conduct we are all expected to follow so we tend to respect the guide lines that are put in place a normal behavior to be considered as society norms. In field of psychology discipline is no exception in fact it is a most when it comes to ethics and code of conduct. These ethics and codes are particularly important since scientific discipline usually deals with unsound individuals. It is extremely import to not counsel anyone. Work at a rehab people will ask you opinion and in giving that opinion you are crossing the line of counseling in many cases.
Ethics Awareness Inventory Shawaun Cunningham PSY490 April 29, 2013 Jane Northrop Ethics Awareness Inventory Many individuals share different views on ethics, some believe that it is a moral, and immoral behavior, verses right and wrong. However, their views may vary based on beliefs and ethical decisions. To understand the ethical nature of individual’s decisions, would be to take a look at their personality other than passing judgment on their actions. The ethical perspective is based on the characteristics on an individual’s belief and ethical moral values as well as the perspective views that is impacting society today. The code of conduct plays an important role in ethic principals and professional psychology.
Then, how can we determine what is okay from that which is not according to our human nature? The nature of human beings is a very complex definition. What human nature may mean to me may not fit with one’s ethical reasoning of what human nature means to another. In this regard, however, human nature to me is anything in which the person freely chooses to do, think, and act on. However, going back to human nature and ethics, we need to clearly define that although human nature differs among different cultures and societies, human nature must not be raped of its value for choosing good, and behaving on what brings the best solution for one’s problems in life.
As such, ethical situationalism denies absolute universal moral principles (Fieser and Pojman 43). Here, it is more about adapting and adhering to whatever is demanded by the situation. In other words, ethical situationalism asserts that changing situations may require changing ethical principles. From this we can gather that in different situations, it is possible for moral principles to “outweigh” other moral principles (i.e. one principle has the potential for being more “right” or “better than”, or even “worse than” another principle in any given