Lord Of The Flies Corruption Quotes

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Corruption and Power in Lord of the Flies Corruption and power slowly evolves in the book Lord of the Flies. Throughout the book there is always a struggle for power between Jack and Ralph. Eventually this thirst for power by Jack leads to corruption and evil. From the first chapter in the book Jack wants to be chief and doesn’t care if others want him to be chief or not. The conch is a very significant symbol for democracy and how it is used throughout the book is also a symbol for how the boys change. Jack and Ralph are the main reason that there is corruption for power in Lord of the Flies because they are the only two that truly desire power. Towards the end of the book, Jack uses savage methods of forcing people to join his tribe. The main character that shows how power leads to corruption is Jack. He is the one that eventually leads the boys into savagery. There are many instances in this book in which you see how power leads to corruption. In the first…show more content…
It serves as a symbol of democracy in the book. In the beginning of the novel, the boys are civilized, everyone agrees on a leader and is relatively happy. Jack from the beginning is against the conch because he knows that the conch gives other people a chance to voice their opinions. This is when the conch is mostly used. As the days go by the conch is used less and less. Jack then makes the suggestion of stopping the use of the conch. ‘We don’t need the conch anymore. We know who ought to say things. What good did Simon do speaking, or Bill or Walter? It’s time some people knew they’ve got to keep quiet and leave deciding things to the rest of us.’ (p.110) You see how Jack rejects the idea of the conch because it takes away his own power. Later in the book, Jack breaks the conch. When he breaks the conch it symbolizes the complete breakdown of society. As the use of the conch changes, the way in which all of the characters act,
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