Conflict Rituals Essay

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Interpersonal Communications Written Assignment 9 Thomas Edison State College OL-COM-330 Interpersonal Communications Written Assignment 9 After an amount of time has passed, every relationship seems to acquire conflict rituals. They usually just happen naturally and both parties barely notice because they have been so accustomed to the ritual. It usually is something that you share with this person or persons that you don’t share with anyone else outside of the relationship. One positive ritual that I have in my life between my partner and myself is that we have certain responsibilities that we each accomplish to help each other in our life together. I enjoy cooking and baking everyday yet I really hate to wash dishes. My partner doesn’t have the patience to cook and also gets a little scared around the fire and gas of the stove. She has tried to cook on occasion but was too afraid of burning herself. So I do all the cooking but I do not like washing and putting away dishes. So after I cook and we eat, she cleans up and does the dishes. We don’t have to ask each other to do so, we just grew to know that is our ritual. I would say one negative conflict ritual I have is between my sister and I. I would say that we are close as in always there for each other and I still see her everyday. We live close to each other and talk all the time. We also butt heads once in a while and get on each other’s nerves. We are different in a lot of ways. When we have a disagreement, we don’t talk about it. We usually just get angry at each other then do not speak to each other for about a week. After those days have passed, everything is as it once was and neither one of us talk about the situation. We never talk about the times that we have disagreements. That is just the way it has always been between us. This is not a good conflict ritual because nothing is ever
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