Conflict In Friendships

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Conflict in Friendships Close Relationships This book was written due to the fact of dissatisfaction in the status of close relationships. Nine authors got together collectively to discuss the potential forms and importance’s of close interpersonal relationships. As a group, the professionals came up with an outline and guide to “get back to the basics”, which simply means going underneath all the confusion, miscommunication, and anything else that may start conflict in a close interpersonal interaction. The authors start off with emerging the science out of relationships that can be easily summarized as, individuals are interdependent in the aspect of life. The main focus of this book is the dissatisfaction and early confusion of close relationships because, according to the authors, is a common thought which is discussed frequently in these matters. The book is also geared towards professional or upper level college students who think about, investigate, and work with close relationships; using this book as a tool for further research or casework. With this particular source, I plan to answer the questions, what is it that makes your life meaningful in respect to relationships? How are close relationships vital to well being? What is the beginning of conflict and what are all the different stages? With the information provided in this book, it will allow me to touch on each of the questions presented previously, as well as touch on power, emotion development and change leading up to conflict. This source may help me put things into a plain yet useful way to understand and deal with conflict between close friends. Kelley, H. H. (1983). Close relationships. W.H. Freeman. New York If you could hear what I cannot say: Learning to communicate with the one’s you love The book is nothing more than Stephen F. Austin’s communication curriculum in one book! The author
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