Concealed Carry: Do Guns Kill People?

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Guns Don’t Kill People The fact of the matter is guns do no kill people, but it is the people holding the guns that lead to another’s death. If a drunk driver were to hit and kill another person, it is not the car that is to blame, rather the person behind the steering wheel. The same could be said about guns. Not only is it a constitutional right to bear arms, but most crimes are committed using illegal weapons, so taking away legally obtained guns would not decrease acts of armed violence. This issue of gun control in the United States has people completely divided, but it must ultimately come down to the preservation of privately owned guns and the uplifting of current gun bans if this nation’s crime rate is to decrease.…show more content…
“The assumption that college campuses are safer because students are not allowed to carry concealed weapons is flawed;” argues the SCCC (Students for Concealed Carry on Campus, 2008) "Current school policies and state laws against concealed carry on campus serve only to stack the odds in favor of dangerous criminals." (Students for Concealed Carry on Campus, 2008) By allowing concealed weapons on campuses, not only would criminals be deterred from attempting to commit a gun-related crime, but students would feel safer knowing they have the means to defend themselves in a worst-case…show more content…
(Students for Concealed Carry on Campus, 2008) It was also found in numerous studies by independent researchers and state agencies that “concealed handgun license holders are five times less likely than non-license holders to commit violent crimes.” (Students for Concealed Carry on Campus, 2008) If the majority of college campuses are safer than their surrounding areas because they don't allow concealed weapons on campus, there would be higher crime rates at the twelve U.S. colleges that do allow concealed carry on campus, but the fact of the matter is that a majority of college campuses aren’t safe because of this ban. At Buffalo State College there have been many reports of muggings, beatings, and shootings either on or very close to campus in this year alone, and that excludes the crimes that aren’t reported or made public. There is nothing stopping a criminal from walking onto campus with an illegal weapon, but there are regulations stopping law-abiding students from protecting themselves from these
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