Competence Versus Performance

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PSYCHOLINGISTIC ASSIGNMENT “COMPETENCE VERSUS PERFORMANCE” NAME: IMADE SUGITA DARMA TEJA CLASS: VIC NIM:E1D109022 FACULTY OF TEACHING ENGLISH DEPARTMENT MATARAM UNIVERSITY 2012 CHAPTER 1 INTRODUCTION 1.1 Background The study of modern language has been developed fastly in the last decade since the beginning of modern linguistic in 18th century. This development is known by the presence of one of branch linguistic in studying the concept psychology and language. That is “Psycholinguistic”, which is kind of study of psychological states and mental activity associated with the use of language This cognitive study covers the process that make it possible to understand grammatical and meaningful sentence, as well as the processes that make it possible to understand utterances, words, text. Psycholinguists describing the relationship between language and thought, this relationship had been become subject of debate whether language is a function of thinking or thought has been as a function of the use of language. However, most problems in psycholinguistics are more concrete, involving the study of competence and performance. The Competence and performance becomes a very phenomenon and comprehensive view is because of very different of the definition and related issues of those two terms and it is indeed to make it clear with apt explainations before go through to a board discussion. In real life, How do we know that “Human being” have learned a language? People are able to assess every language skills using language assessments methods, but is it bright judgement that they will actually be able to use their language in real-life? Briefly, how do we be sure that human being are mastering the target language? One absolute way to judge this competency is through students’ performance. However, how do we know that this performance

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