Comparing Leaders: Stalin, Zedong and Gandhi

1962 Words8 Pages
Three major leaders of the early 1900s include Joseph Stalin, Mao Zedong and Mohandas Gandhi. All of them were revolutionary leaders of their time who caused much change for the world and the subjects they each ruled. Joseph Stalin wanted to transform the Soviet Union into a totalitarian society, and he used many methods of enforcement to control his people. Meanwhile, Mao Zedong wanted to lead a revolution in China so that the peasants could rule and aimed for a communistic society, based on ideas of Marx and Lenin. On the other hand, Gandhi led an independence movement for self-rule in India. All leaders came to power and wanted change, but had very different ideas on how to approach the reforms. Stalin was able to use fear and terror to successfully improve Russia’s economy and reach other goals. Mao was able to remain in power for a long time and make many reforms for China. Gandhi brought civil disobedience and other methods of peaceful protest to the world and earn limited independence for India. Gandhi proved to best leader of the three because he was able to achieve his goals with solutions that satisfied the people and made great change for the world. Stalin came to power in the USSR in 1928 and planned to create a new kind of society, made up of only socialist men and women. He wanted to build a strong army and a powerful industrial economy. Stalin ruled as a dictator and anyone who spoke out against him was subject to punishment as harsh as death. He used other methods of enforcement including state control over society and its individuals, fear, propaganda, censorship, indoctrination, religious and ethnic persecution, secret police and police terror. Stalin controlled all aspects of daily life in Russia, including the government, economy, education, religion, politics and culture. Stalin also controlled all individuals by threatening them with execution
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