Lenin And Bolsheviks Came To Power Case Study

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History essay EVALUATE THE SUCCESSES AND FAILURES OF ONE RULER OF A SINGLE- PARTY STATE Bolsheviks came to power in November 1917 with Lenin as a party leader. His leadership was strong and determined, which he previously showed by publishing his April theses that gave serious of directives that enabled Bolsheviks to come to power after November Revolution. He was a memorable leader whose policies and decisions shaped Russia from 1917-24. In this essay I am going to evaluate and analyse how effective were his revolutionary transformations in economic, political and social context. When Lenin and Bolsheviks came to power Russia was in tremendous economic and administrative problems. It was at that point that…show more content…
His policies even though never perfect had always had a part that indicated his efforts to improve Russia’ s economy and productivity. Nonetheless, in time of the Civil War he had to embrace more ruthless methods to keep the Red Army supplied with food. This policy, even though successful in that particular matter was a catastrophe for all those who died of famine. It is hard to judge Lenin’ s policies on an overall level because they were very different and many of them rather ambiguous. Despite all that it is fair to say that Lenin was a successful leader without whom November revolution and hence the crucial change in Russia would not be possible. He played a significant role in the Russian history that Stalin wanted to inherit. To successfully revive the economy and stay in power he often used all possible means such as approval of the cold-blooded execution of the entire Imperial family, including women and children, usage of the "Cheka," to take innocent hostages at random–and shoot them, if necessary–to secure the grain supply, institutionalisation of terror as a method of state policy, establishment of both the system of deportation to concentration camps and the practice of political
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