Compare Lotery and Omelas

552 Words3 Pages

Ms. Issasi

English 1302

10 June 2008

E1A: Lottery and Omelas

At first glance the town in The Lottery would seem to be a wonderful place to live, beautiful scenery, kind townspeople, and a peaceful atmosphere. The story takes place on a summer morning that is described as a day only pictured in an old tall tale. With children playing around and giggling to themselves at the town square, the adults begin to gather mingling amongst themselves but never becoming to loud. There was actually a great foreshadowing of the entire story that lead to the horrible scene of the stoning, but was brilliantly disguised by what seemed like normal behaviors, actions, and descriptions. Even to the point of the actual stoning was apparently treated as their usual conspiracy that jus simply takes place. The suspense that leads up to the ending of The Lottery does catch your attention and manipulates you to become eager for an outcome, which is a significantly crucial and brutal ending, that is greatly set up as a juxtapose compared to the beginning. Even with the noticeable signs of compassion for Mrs. Hutchinson, the beating upon her still continued without hesitation. Her last statements of the selection being unfair and the tradition not being morally right were simply ignored by the people of the town so that they may try to end the task as quickly as possible. It is stated in the story that they had forgotten the proper and initial ritual and lost the original box but felt that the tradition of this sacrifice would bring good harvest. “Lottery in June, corn be heavy soon” (Jackson 87).

The city of Omelas is nearly what seems to be an enchanted utopia that almost comes directly from a happily ever after fairy tale, with the people of the city always seeming to be cheerful and smiling, and the description of the city being brought out with words of physical
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