Compare/Contrast Essay

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Ureche Cornelius Compare/Contrast Essays In both John Dutton “Toxic Soup” and Amber Ripplinger “Declining Reefs: A Real problem,” the authors take an approach on explaining about different causes and effects. “Toxic Soup” tells about Dutton and his love for surfing but he quickly noticed that the water that he surfed on was polluted and the water quality was hurting every animal that existed in the water. The author talks about how the water quality is affecting otters, sea turtles and so on. In the essay, “Declining Reefs: A Real problem,” Ripplinger explains the causes and effects about why coral reefs have begun to decline due to problems that can be directly linked to humans. The author also explains the important of the coral reefs to the human race. The author mentions that people ruin the ecosystem of coral reefs and millions of people depend on these fish as a major food source. Although both the essays show strong viewpoints such as the tone and the writer’s purpose, Amber Ripplinger proves to be a more effective essay because she explains more in depth about the cause and effect of coral reefs, uses detailed description, and transition and coherence are used more effectively. Both of the authors have similar tools that they use in their essays. One is the tone. The tone in both the essays seems to be serious and it continues throughout the essays. Another similarity seems to be that the writer’s purpose is to inform and explain to the audience about what is going on in the waters. Their topics are both about species that live underwater, the coral reefs and the effect of water pollution to animals such as otters, sea turtles and so on. In addition both of the writer’s develop their ideas through cause and effect. They both also use formal diction. “ One of the most pressing and enigmatic problems facing coral reefs is the global phenomenon of coral

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