Compare And Contrast Young Goodman Brown And The Minister's Black Veil

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Nathaniel Hawthorne's ideals and beliefs are no secrets to any readers of his works. Critics seem to enjoy the challenge of deciphering his hidden messages within the literature elements he utilizes. It is with good chance that Hawthorne's 19th century puritan background has shaped these beliefs he speaks of through his writing. Quite often, his ideas of faith, sin, and divine intervention are the ones at the forefront of his underlying messages. This becomes the most obvious when the reader looks into some of Hawthorne's most notable short stories. The reader explores with Hawthorne the sins we commit in our lives and the poor choices we make along with them. In the short stories, "Young Goodman Brown" and "The Minister's Black Veil", Nathaniel Hawthorne shares his view of sinful nature in humanity, as his background has conditioned him to believe, through his use of symbolism, theme, and relatable characters. Our first story, "Young Goodman Brown", throws us into the shoes of an eighteenth century man named Brown. Readers follow Brown, a common citizen and member of the church, who eventually attends a meeting with the Devil and his followers. Among these followers are very notable figures in…show more content…
While one may believe there are individuals who are the utmost holy and divine like, Hawthorne would fail to agree with this opinion. We are repeatedly burdened with Hawthorne's idea that we are helpless, imperfect beings who cannot help but sin and make wrong choices. Along with this point, Hawthorne believes that we are unable own up to the wrongs that we make and consciously choose to keep our sins buried within ourselves. Taking these thoughts to consideration, one should reflect upon these ideas and beliefs in high hopes of separating themselves from sin as much as our nature will

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