Compare and Contrast Essay North and South America

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Compare and Contrast Essay North America and South America When one compares the independence movements in North America and South America one would see a lot of differences and similarities between the two. The major differences were probably due to different geographical aspects of the two continents. Along with this, there were also variations among the societies. Although there were a lot of differences between the movements towards independence, there were also some similarities. Unlike the Latin American colonies, the North American colonies were the first to declare their independence. There were a couple reasons, as to why North American independence was different from the South American. First of all there was more unity among the colonies. This is why the colonies ended up declaring themselves a single nation of United States. Further more, there was less class difference among the colonists. The colonies more or less had a good life style, and there wasn't as much poverty as there was in some South American colonies. On a more negative note, the colonies in North America were much more oppressed and controlled by the British crown, than the Spanish colonies by the Spanish royalty. However, the colonies received more external help from the French to help fight off the British forces. In South America there was much less unity among the people than there was in North America. This was probably caused by the fact that there was more poverty and class difference, especially in colonies like Haiti. This resulted in much more uprisings and violence among the people in Spanish colonies. However in Brazil there was a lot less violence and struggle to achieve independence. In Brazil, the independence movement was much more peaceful than it was in North
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