The New England Colonies: A Religious Analysis

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During the time of salutary neglect, especially during it early periods before 1750, Great Britain permitted its North American colonies to decide for themselves the extent to which they tolerated religion. Every single state settled on its own individual status, so therefore, they displayed a wide range of tolerance from the extremely strict to the very liberal degree of tolerance that this nation practices today. Settled primarily for the specific purpose of religious freedom, the New England colonies focused almost all aspects of life around church (Most commonly the Puritan church). Many of the immigrants belonged to families with established moral values and rules of conduct. With the exception of Rhode Island and the slightly more traditional Anglican practices on Connecticut, all of these colonies were puritanical. England’s lack of attention toward these colonies allowed them to flourish exactly the way their founders had intended. In some cases, however, this religiousness went a little too far. During the Salem Witch Trials, nineteen women and two dogs were lynched because of the…show more content…
This religious association doesn’t stem necessarily from the fact that these were royal colonies because England was ignoring what was going on in these colonies at the time, and they were simply built and operated for business purposes. All of these colonies were established to produce and export cultivation such as rice and tobacco in Virginia and the Carolinas. People who came to these colonies were mainstream Anglican indentured servants who did not come to the new world for religion, but simply for the land and/or money. North Carolina was the product of the split in the earlier colony of Carolina. South Carolina was much more profitable colony while North Carolina was rarely noticed by the crown. North Carolina turned into a safe haven for squatters and riff-raff that blew in from its

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