Community College vs. University

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Community College vs. University Going to college is obviously a big step in ones life. We have been getting prepared for this step all the way down to Pre-K. When those acceptance letters, or denial letters start to pour into ones mailbox, decisions start to be made. Attending a four-year college is much different than a community college. The typical high school senior wants to get away, and go to a University somewhere far. Although living away from home, doesn't work for everyone. Some students would perfer to be in their own enviroment to which they are familiar with. One major difference that is kept in mind during the process of deciding which school sitiuation is best for the student is money. Community college is much less expensive than a university and isn't much different. One can start majoring in something in a community college and then transfer your credits to a university. Many people choose a university because they think that community college is only for those who can’t get into a university, but that is not true. Costs of tuition can vary anywhere from $2,000 all the way up to $100,000 per year for college in general. Community college is certainly the way to go when one is having money problems. During such a bad economy not everyone can afford to attend a university. Many students find it to be a good choice to go to community college for their first year or two, then transfer to a university. Room and board becomes very expensive when attending a university for four years. While attending community college, if living at home, there's no extra cost for having a place to live. By attending a two year or four year college, a student can receive relatively the same general education courses. For example, every college has English, math and sciences. Although one college may offer a major in Nursing and one may not, the

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