Communication Between Generations

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In this day and age, in America in particular, we have the most problems with communication between generations. Unlike earlier generations, we now have plenty of families split up and divorced. Almost everyone has gone through it at least once, if not twice or more. It’s shocking when hearing that a family hasn’t been split up or gone through a dramatic hardship. With all of these families being split up, we often get involved with step parents, step siblings, and half siblings. Step parents can either have an awesome relationship with the step kids, or they have a terrible relationship. Communication between a stepchild and a stepparent is rather peculiar. If the stepparent has no previous children, they may want to step into the role of being the father. This could make the children draw away from the stepparent because they don’t like the control they are trying to bring into their lives; something they never had before. Having a stepparent often makes the relationship between the biological parents split apart as well. The child may become closer with the stepparent than with the biological parent depending on who spends more time with them. When a divorce takes place the mother normally receives custody of the child with the father getting the children on the weekends or for a lot of family’s every other weekend; this makes for the father to not have much communication with his children. Especially when the children grow up and start to get jobs or have activities going on with friends or school events they would like to attend, the father seeing the children may become even less. The children may have to skip going to their dads if they have something else going on, even for multiple weekends in a row for different plans. The father could become completely oblivious to what his kids even do on a day to day basis because of the lack of communication going on
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