Communication Barriers Essay

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The Barriers to Communication are: 1. Physical Barrier: Obstacles that prevent a message from reaching the intended recipient may be outside and beyond the control of the persons concerned. Some can be controlled by the management; some cannot be controlled because they are in the environment. • Defects in the medium The telephone, the postal system, the courier service, or electronic media may fail. Messages can get delayed, distorted and even lost while being transmitted • Noise in the environment In a factory, oral communication is very difficult because of the noise of the machines. • Information overload Advertising and sales information is an example of information overload; so much communication about products floats through so many media that a good deal of it does not reach the potential buyer. 2. Semantic & Language Barriers: Semantic means pertaining to or arising from the different meanings of words or other symbols. New words are being coined almost everyday; everyone does not understand them and many of them are not in the dictionaries yet. To people who are not familiar with computer, “mouse” is only an animal. More importantly, semantic barriers arise because words mean different things to different persons. It is said, “Meaning is in people, not in words.” Age, education, cultural background and many other factors influence the meaning we give to words. 3. Socio-Psychological Barriers: Problems of understanding, interpreting and response to communication arise partly from our socially-learnt attributes and partly from our personal attributes. These are called socio-psychological
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