Illiterate Response Paper

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Response Paper “My View and Response to the Cost of an Illiterate Society” I agree with most of what Kozol has said about illiterate people. In today’s society being illiterate would be a huge problem comparing to when Kozol wrote this article in 1985. If it was that big of a deal back in 1985 then with all the technology that is around these days it would be even worse. But being illiterate can be an easy fix in today’s society as well comparing to 1985. But Kozol makes some big important points why being illiterate can hurt the person in all parts of life. Kozol states that, “They cannot read traffic signs and, while they often learn to recognize and decipher symbols, they cannot manage street names which they haven't seen before” (Kozol, 4), this is like being trapped inside your own world. If someone cannot read something simple as a stop sign they just have no life to be living. What good are they to the society if a person cannot read? Everything these days counts on mostly technology, being able to understand and read technology is a huge part of today’s society. It’s very interesting to me that Kozol states most illiterates use the pictures of products to decide if they should buy it or they vote for a president based on his appearance because they don’t know…show more content…
They can’t help anyone or anything. Being illiterate the person can’t go far in life, for example getting a good job. Are there any jobs out there that don’t require someone to be able to read? I certainly can’t think of one. There should be no excuses for being illiterate; there are so many educational possibilities these days that it shouldn’t be a big deal for someone. Being illiterate in today’s society is a huge disadvantage and the person is also in danger of being taken advantage of. Again I agree with Kozol that being illiterate affects many phases in the person’s life as well as the country that they live
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