Cognitive Appraoch to Intelligence

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Essay Plan: A01: Outline the information processing theory – 9 marks Ao2: Evaluate the information processing theory – 16 marks A01 The cognitive information processing theory developed by Stenberg (1985) is also known as the triarchic theory of intelligence. Stenberg’s theory is based on how well an individual deals with and adapts to environmental changes through out a life time and has three sub theories. Firstly, componential sub theory, explains that the development of intelligence occurs through information being processed through a series of ‘meta components’. Executive processes are used in problem solving and decision making and communicate to the mind actions that should be taken; whilst performance components carry out the actions. Secondly, experimental sub theory, explains how well a task is performed with regards to familiarity; ‘novel’ situations will be difficult to manage whereas a processes that has been ‘automated’, that is, performed many times will be easy to carry out. Finally, contextual sub theory, explains the development of intelligence. ‘Adaptation’ occurs when change happens within a person adjusting the individual to the individual’s surroundings. ‘Shaping’ happens when an individual chooses to make changes to the environment to better suit that individual’s needs. ‘Selection’, is when an individual chooses to completely change from an unsatisfying environment to a new environment. A02: Cognitive psychologists argue that the information processing theory has high ecological validity due to the contextual and experiential sub theories focusing on real life experience. The theory has face validity as individuals do seem to develop skills throughout a life time. However, biological psychologists have pointed out that the information processing theory is impossible to prove, as it can not be tested due to the

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