What Is Environmental Psychology Paper

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What is Environmental Psychology? Jolie Ferguson PSY 460 August 27, 2012 What is Environmental Psychology? Environmental psychology evaluates the social interactions between human behavior and the environment. The discipline characterizes the word “environment” to include all that is natural on the earth as well as informational, built, social, and learning environments. Environmental psychologist solves problems regarding human-environment interactions, whether globular or localized, and tries to predict the environmental conditions under which humans will act in a proper and constructive demeanor. Arousal theories dictate that an inverted-U relationship survive between operation and stimulation—meaning that the change of state increases so does functioning, but only up to a point (Arkkelin & Veitch, 1995). The arousal theory states that intermediate levels of arousal are best for neurological stimulation, noise levels, personal space, and physiological responses. Stimulus load theories examine the finite capacity of individuals to compute knowledge (Arkkelin & Veitch, 1995). A stimulus load theory proposes a theory of stance restriction to explain the fundamental phenomenon between stimuli and performance. Research is important in the field of environmental psychology because it brings about homeostatic balance between humans and nature by gathering facts from correlational studies, field experimentation, and laboratory experimentations (Stewart, 2007). Theoretical Approaches Environmental psychologist theories of individual psychology help to understand the fundamental interaction between behavior, experience, and environment. To that end, the theories that underlie the principles of EP borrow from the fields of psychology, anthropology, sociology,
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